More than 25 years history to be loved in Niigata, Japan
TOPKAPI is the Authentic Japanese Brand of Beauty with Niigata Spirit from Japan. In 1996. The Founder & CEO Hitomi Niwayama launched TOPKAPI in 1996 to provide "Highest Quality" of Aesthetic Beauty Service for Niigata City Local people with the ultimate Western & Eastern mix of Beauty Techniques and Biological Logics.

Healthiness is the origin of beauty
Niigata City is the place most of Japanese people know as the place of Beautiful Ladies (so-called "Niigata-Bijin"), Beautiful Nature and Beautiful Agricultural & Sophisticated Industrial Products. That is why, in TOPKAPI's foot-steps, TOPKAPI collaborated with various kinds of products to create cutting edgy service and products (with Premium Japanese Sake, Rice, Tea, Hot-Spring...) based on our core policy; "Healthiness is the origin of beauty".
Thankfully, after more than 25 years of challenges, TOPKAPI still stands here as the Leading Esthetic beauty service with 4 unique concept shops in Niigata, Japan. From 2022, TOPKAPI has been decided to bring this hidden-gem of Japan to all over the world instead of keep holding it for Niigata City only.

Playful Mindset is never missed in TOPKAPI
We are super serious on serving better to customers. However, with the seriousness, always there is the Playful Mindset which is the origin of energy for TOPKAPI. We are always serious, but we always excite ourselves and customers with playful ideas.
About Us
Company Name
Topkapi Inc.
Representative (CEO)
Hitomi Niwayama
22.06.1996 (Incorporation on 22.06.2007)
Headquarter Address
1-7-19, Kamitokoronaka, Chuo-Ku, Niigata City, Niigata 950-0993
Contact Oversea (English / Japanese Available)
Business Field
Esthetic Service, Cosmetic Production and Sales, Others
Topkapi Group Webpage (Japanese)
NETH (Niigata Esthetician Cooperative Association)